How To: DIY Non-Toxic Cleaning Supplies


Making your own arsenal of household cleaning supplies is not only cost-effective, but it also enables you to control exactly what you are using to clean your home. With minimal ingredients required, we think you’ll be delighted at just how effective these cleaning products can be – all while knowing you are using safe products for your family and pets.

At Maronda, we recognize that any building construction can impact the environment. That’s why we’re actively taking steps to make our homes and construction process more energy-efficient and striving to provide our homeowners with resources to become more sustainable.

Learn more about Maronda’s sustainability initiatives here.

All-Purpose Cleaner

What You’ll Need:

-Spray Bottle

-White Vinegar


-Essential Oils (we love combining lemon & eucalyptus for a fresh, uplifting scent!)

Combine equal parts water and white vinegar, depending on the size of your spray bottle. Add in 10 drops of your favorite essential oil. Note: you may need to adjust the amount of essential oil you add – spray a little of your solution, wipe down the surface, and add more drops if the vinegar scent is too overpowering.

Why it works: Vinegar contains acetic acid, which aids in removing mineral deposit, dirt, grime and grease, while simultaneously killing bacteria on contact. This non-toxic spray is perfect for everyday use, composed of simple, easy to identify ingredients. Plus, it will make your home will smell heavenly!

Carpet Deodorizer

What you’ll need:

-Empty Jar

-Baking Soda

-Essential Oils

Fill a jar baking soda and add in 10-15 drops of your favorite essential oil(s). Shake to disperse the oil. Sprinkle on carpet, let sit for 30 minutes, then vacuum.

Why it works: Baking soda, AKA sodium bicarbonate, is an alkaline substance that has been used for years to eliminate stubborn odors.  When sprinkled on carpeting, it penetrates fibers which helps release any unwanted odor.

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